How Fast Can I Build Corporate Credit?
The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to take advantage of business credit financing. Using the right system will offer faster methods to building corporate credit.
Seek out secured credit cards that offer the ability to open up your business credit profiles with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian business, and Equifax will help speed the process of corporate credit building.
There are other ways to do it as well. But some of these ways may require a personal guarantee in some initial cases. It will be up to you to decide what is best for you. If you don't have good personal credit, it will take you a bit longer to build business credit. If you have access to good personal credit, or a partner that has good credit, you can use this good credit in the early stages of the credit building process for your business. This will help facilitate building business credit early on. It is important to note however it is not necessary, only a method to expedite.
So the answer to question is yes there are ways to building corporate credit much faster than those business credit services that still charge thousands of dollars using old-school methods. Those methods will be presented as an option when using today's online technology and proven systems.
If you are serious about building business credit, then using a service that offers online platform is essential. Otherwise the process is difficult and frankly and inefficient use of time. The amount of time and research in the potential for error is far too significant compared to spending a few hundred dollars for a tool that is constantly being updated with the latest lending guidelines, techniques and strategies.
Anyone seeking for the fastest route to building corporate credit would almost definitely want to use a good platform to begin with.
Another point to make about using a online system is its affordability. In the past business credit has always been highly expensive, services have learned that by earning back and commissions various lenders will help offset the price reduction. This translates to significant savings for the consumers, and more importantly opens the door for most people who wish to become a business owner.
A good corporate credit system will learn from its members who are applying for corporate credit. Consistent feedback is essential, and If there's a better way it will research it and adopt those methods.
Policies change, lenders change, guidelines change. Feedback is extremely valuable, and reverse engineering someone else's success is a science that is proven time and time again, especially with corporate credit.
For more details you can consult with CL King & Associates.
CL King provides investment banking, equity research, sales and trading, and investor services to corporations and institutions. We co-manage bond offerings, IPOs, follow-ons, secondaries, convertibles, and preferred.